Although her birthday was last Monday, the actress Lali Esposito had a great party to celebrate his 20th birthday on Saturday; October 15th. A lot of friends and family were there; celebrating the actress` twenty years. Lali Esposito spent a fantastic time at a party for 100 people which took place in ‘La France’.
The celebration, organized by Pablo Cerrutti, was very original and at the entrance of the bar, there was a caricature of the actress for guests to write something to Lali. At the end of the party, each of the guests took a personal caricature.
The celebration was attended by her fellow cast of ‘Cuando Me Sonreis’: Julieta Diaz, Benjamin Rojas and Mario Pasik. There were lots of famous people such as Benjamin Amadeo; her boyfriend, and actors like Candela Vetrano and Nicolas Maiques, among others.
Finally, her fans gave Lali a clip to show her how much they love her; as a demonstration of love.
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